Catholic Education South Australia
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From the Principal

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of All Saints,

As Term 1 draws to a close, we are all experiencing that very steep learning curve when it comes to the delivery and undertaking of education. There isn’t much that hasn’t had to change, including how we are communicating with you. 

It seems that we’re constantly keeping you up to date with what’s happening via the written word and so I thought I would get out of my comfort zone with the Leadership team and deliver an end of term message by video.  Please don’t be too harsh on our skills in front of the camera yet, as we are learning as we go. 

All Saints Leadership End of Term Message

I also want to share a link that may assist families in obtaining internet services for the first time or indeed, assist families to compare rates and services for existing plans. 

Every telco's COVID-19 assistance package | WhistleOut

Next week we will be contacting those families who have informed us of their needs to discuss options with regard to devices and internet access.

I know I join with all of the All Saints staff in wishing you all a very safe and peaceful Easter season. Enjoy the holidays and we will see you in Term 2, in one way or another. 

With every best wish, 

Liz Keogh,


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From the Director of Wellbeing

Recently I attended training for a program called, No Scaredy Cats –  reducing anxiety & building resilience in children. Evidence shows in recent years there has been an increase in the number of children worrying over things they cannot control, especially at the moment.

This may be world events, such as the coronavirus, or difficulties in families such as separation/divorce or relationships with peers. A greater number of Australian primary-aged children are feeling anxious

To remedy this problem, Psychologist, Michael Hawton, is working in conjunction with the Faculty of Education at Monash University on a study of the No Scaredy Cats program in an online-delivery format beginning in May, 2020. 

Parents who are interested in being involved need to have at least one 8-12 year old child.

The webinar course runs over three consecutive Tuesdays in May, 2020. The cut-off date for enrolment is 24 April, 2020 as Monash need to send out questionnaires and participants need to be sent a parent workbook. 

If you are interested please see the attached flyer No Scaredy Cats Program

Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter.

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School Calendar

We have all of our events and important dates detailed on our calendar

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Pupil Free Week

Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April, 2020

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From the APRIM

It is difficult to imagine our world as normal in this time of such insecurity. Next week, Week 11 is meant to be a time when children in Catholic schools all around the world remember the last days of Jesus earthly life – Holy Week. Here I will share with you the Stations of the Cross.

The Stations of the Cross are a special way of praying during Holy Week. There are 15 Stations. In almost every Catholic Church in the world the 15 Stations are depicted all around the walls of the Church. In our front office building the Stations line the wall of our main corridor. This week in The Butterfly Garden behind the gym we created a Stations of the Cross for the children to follow.

(NOTE: The 15th Station is visited at Easter so is not included here. Can you guess what is included in that Station?)

Have a blessed and safe school break.

God bless.


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Focus on 6 Graff

6G has participated in two programs designed to build metacognition further developing self-respect, self-confidence and self-reflection.  The Rock and Water Program and the Young Warrior Program are a pathway to self-awareness and increased compassion and empathy. 

Learning experiences in 6Gs school day, such as cooking, buddy activities and even excursions are designed intentionally to provide opportunities for our class to learn about themselves, manage choices and adapt positively to new experiences and challenges. Thinking about our thinking creates perspective and vision. Developed metacognition is crucial to be a successful leader and learner. 6G know our brains are wired for growth. They are growing their capacity to adjust to change and navigate complexities in an interconnected, fast changing world. Most importantly, they will have a deeper sense of what it means to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with themselves and others.   

To be effective lifelong learners, leaders of kindness and love, capable of humbly serving others and creating a better world for all, it is vital to think about your thinking, to know about knowing. This process is called metacognition. When students apply this learning process; they gain control over their learning.

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2021 Enrolments Now Due

Call Leisa Macey, Registrar for further information on 8327 0020 or contact the Front Office.


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